
Bar Pop Beer Fest will take place on November 6, 7 and 8, on the opening weekend of WA Good Beer Week. This event will be hosted by Perth Urban Orchard, which is located in the Perth Cultural Centre. Come to Bar Pop Beer Fest and you will have the opportunity to enjoy some of the best beers and ciders along with mouth watering sliders prepared by some of Perth’s best restaurateurs and food trucks.

This event will allow breweries and producers to unfold all their creativity and imagination, as it provides them the ability to create their own unique stalls and showcase their products. This way they will be given the opportunity to reach a large customer base, promote their products and successfully increase their brand awareness.

Bar Pop Beer Fest is the perfect place for those who want to be given the chance to try some of the best WA, Interstate and Overseas beers and ciders and at the same time be able to explore new brands and products that match.

Tickets can be found via Ticketbooth or the Barpop Site.